Add oil! - Go for it - Work hard for it - Go
Jiāyóu is a Mandarin expression composed by two words, Jiā meaning "add, top up " , and Yóu meaning "oil", literally exhorting [someone]to add oil . I always say this when I want to cheer up others or encourage them. it is like telling them they will get what they want if they give “full-oil" (work hard).
- Phonetic: tɕāːjə́u
- Mandarin definition: 加油, 字面上的意思是给运作的机器或是车子之类的添加燃料油或加入润滑油。更广泛的用法是对自己或别人的一种鼓励与助威,是生活中最为常用的一个词。不同的国家,有不同的说法。
- English definition: Refuelling, literally means adding fuel oil or lubricating oil to operating machines or cars. The broader usage is a kind of encouragement and cheering for oneself or others, and it is the most used word in life.