
The day after the day after tomorrow.

Belonging to ancient oral tradition the Volturino’s dialect has a generic name for each future day up to three form now . In the English language, we only use today and tomorrow whereas, a Volturinese speaker can use voji, creij, pscreji and pscrotl to refer to today, tomorrow, the day after and the day after the day after tomorrow. A mouthful that English speakers avoid by using the days of the week.

An example of an oral culture proceeding the societal organization of life based on the calendar week as a unit of time.



  • Transcription: pscrotl guessed by speaker, based on Italian written language

  • Phonetic: not available

  • Volturinese definition: not available

  • English definition: pscrotl is the third day from today, in the future. The day after the day after tomorrow.
